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A Plentiful Harvest: #FremontforJesus and Spain Outreach Update


“The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” Luke 10:2


“Our first week here in Fremont has been all about catching the vision of God and persevering through all of it. Through settling into a routine of going door-to-door, the team has each individually been learning about giving and receiving grace, and how to push through things that may not exactly be our comfort zone. We’re growing! There seems to be a fire spreading amongst the churches in the Bay Area that we’re really excited to be witnesses to and have the opportunity to partner with.

Behind each door that we knock on holds people of different ethnicities, religions, and experiences, but we get the chance to tell each about the love of Jesus. We’ve celebrated every Bible getting accepted into a home, prayed peace over each home we approach, prayed for whatever needs people have, and held conversations with the sole purpose of portraying truth and love at the same time.

We’ve spent a lot of time sowing seeds into the local churches here. The team is excited to have the opportunity to empower and train up the Jesus-lovers in the area to continue reaching the community after we leave. Each day during evangelism we’ve been joined by people from various churches, all with the same purpose: to love our neighbors as ourselves and to tell of the truth of Jesus.

We had a sweet encounter this week with a middle-aged mother who is going through a divorce. After we knocked on her door, she immediately came out and began to open up to us, saying we were her angels sent by God at the perfect time she needed it. As we began to pray for her, one of the guys (Gabriel) asked if he could lay his hand on her shoulder, to which she responded by going straight into his arms and bursting into tears. As she cried, we prayed over her and invited Holy Spirit comfort to flood her soul. We left encouraging her to connect with the house of prayer in the area who would love to continue to pour into her life.

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Over the weekend, our team helped at a booth at an Afghan festival here in Fremont. The booth offered prayer for healing, prophecy, free Bibles, dream interpretation, etc. Two of our team members, Laurie and Rebekka, got to minister to a young Afghan girl who asked for a prophetic word. They prayed and shared the words God had for her about being a peace-maker, which led to her asking for a dream interpretation. After she shared her dream they explained that they really believed God was trying to reveal Himself to her, and that it was actually a dream of JESUS. Our team shared the Gospel with her and asked if it made sense to her, to which she replied “YES!”. It all led to the girl receiving the truth of Jesus and giving her life to Him!

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We’ve also been learning the importance of relationship and discipleship. There’s something powerful about taking the time to relate to people and find out where they’ve come from. Some of our team has been invited into several Indians’ homes where we’ve shared food and relationship with those families. We’ve had many long conversations that have opened the door to us sharing the gospel, prophesying over them, and leaving Bibles in their homes. Jesus demonstrated true love and relationship in the Bible; His directive in Matthew was to “make disciples of all nations” not just to “make converts.” He cares about the heart!”

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Thank you so much for reading about our May DTS Outreach! Please continue to pray for the people we encounter and for our spiritual covering!

Also if you are involved with our outreach Fremont for Jesus in anyway, use the hashtag #FremontforJesus to promote what God is doing in the Bay Area of California!!

See you in two weeks with another Outreach Update!
