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Embracing the Process


A simple yet profound revelation hit me earlier this year: you can’t bypass the process.

I was working out with a group of friends, and as we did burpees, push-ups, and crunches… I realized my body wasn’t aching the way it usually did after a REALLY good workout. Everyone around me was barely able to breathe, yet I was doing just fine… and it SURE wasn’t because I am in that great of shape! I realized that if I did this every day for the next year, working out with the same lack-of-Vigor as I just had… I would probably lose some weight, sure, but I would definitely not build much muscle. By being lazy with my form, not stopping the coach to receive proper instruction, and just going through the motions, I could easily bypass the process, but I would NEVER get the results that I wake up at 5:30 every morning to get.

The same principles apply to our walk with Jesus. So often we want to just “keep up appearances” with all the Christians around us. We try to look the part but are afraid to actually stop and ask for help, not wanting to draw attention and risk “looking foolish”. We don’t want to take time to really focus on getting our form (or character) down, and so we end up just kind of going through the motions of Christianity with no real transformation or growth as a result.

We often try to avoid the pain that can come with growth, but the reality is: if we just commit to going through it, whatever that looks like, it would give us strong muscles that would give us great endurance to run the long-term race.

To be honest, I was actually dealing with a deeper issue at that time that really hurt, more than I wanted to admit. But God showed me that when I just put a smile on and tried to keep up with everyone, I was actually bypassing the process. I have realized that in order to get the best results (in this and every area of my life) I needed to FULLY EMBRACE the process. And just like me, The Lord actually wants you to face your pain. Not for the sake of pain, but for the sake of freedom. He is more than enough to not only “get you through”, but to truly work all things together for your GOOD!

In my life, I can truly say He has done this. It won’t be easy, in fact some times you will want to stop even in the the middle of a rep, the weight might feel a little too much for that brief moment… but you have the best Coach in the world to help you through it all. So, don’t be ashamed of where you are. In fact, embrace your process, and you will become confident and strong, full of grace and beauty in the end.

“Because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish it’s work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” [James 1:3-4]
