AFGHANISTAN RELIEF | Afghanistan needs your help!


“The Muslim World is waiting to hear the Gospel. Come be sent out, and join the revival.”

The heartbeat of our ministry is taking the Gospel to those that have never heard it – and frontier trips are one of the main ways we step into this!

Frontier Trips are 10-14 day evangelistic trips to a muslim majority nation. The primary focus of these trips is to End Bible Poverty and pioneer Disipleship Schools in the least reached places of the muslim world. They are focused on obeying the Word of the Lord both personally and for our generation.  


Ending Bible Poverty

Frontier trips usually include work on Bible translation and distribution and encouraging the persecuted and underground church in that nation – with worship, prayer, and evangelism as the foundation for everything we do.

We seek to End Bible Poverty! This means getting the Word of God to every person on earth in their mother tongue. We are partnering in this joint effort of Bible organizations around the world to accomplish the goal of ZERO Bible-less languages by 2033! We do this through various ways on our frontier trips. The first step of this process is working with locals to begin recording a new Bible translation for an unreached, Bible-less language. From there, the work continues on through Bible distribution in cities, villages, and homes that have never received a Bible.

Discipleship Schools

We also are beginning discipleship schools within these unreached ares of the Muslim world – both for people who are there long-term as well as new believers. We’ve seen how God uses teaching and discipleship to grow his body, and we desire to partner with him in this! We’ve already run many mini discipleship seminars during our frontier trips and are believing God to see more and more discipleship schools started and multiplying around the Muslim world.


Discipleship Schools

We also are beginning discipleship schools within these unreached ares of the Muslim world – both for people who are there long-term as well as new believers. We’ve seen how God uses teaching and discipleship to grow his body, and we desire to partner with him in this! We’ve already run many mini discipleship seminars during our frontier trips and are believing God to see more and more discipleship schools started and multiplying around the Muslim world.

Next Upcoming Trip: Arab World Cup 2022

Join our team for a 14-day trip to a nation in the Middle East next spring! We will spend the first few days of the trip together, encouraging the underground/persecuted church. From there, we will split up into two teams. The first will head to the central/west region for prayer, worship, and Bible distribution in a high-risk area. The second team will head to the south to begin oral Bible translation for an unreached people group. Fill out the contact us form if you’re interested in more details or coming with us!

Cost: $3995

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