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Goodbye Beloved Spain


Week 7

We prayed at the beginning of the week and asked God to show us what he wanted to do in our last week in this particular city. He gave us many creative ideas to spread the love of Jesus and move in the authority He’s given us. One of them was through a performance we did in the city center. Our team worshipped and did chalk art with the children who gathered around us. We then performed a drama about the prodigal son in the Bible. A couple of our team members also got to street-preach and share the full gospel to the people listening! We’ve come to know that obedience is success, and that God can do much with our five loaves and two fish!

One day each week, we participate in a Bible study for the refugees here. This last week was particularly exciting, as we had several Muslims join us and were very interactive about the passages we read. Only one of our team members speaks French, so we had been praying that God would show us how to minister effectively to people we have a heart for even through the language barrier. We surrendered to God because we knew He is always faithful. He sent another Christian refugee who spoke fluent French to come alongside and translate and disciple the others with us. Thank you Jesus!

During evangelism this week two of our team members encountered an older Algerian refugee who lives alone in a hut he built on the beach. He welcomed them into his home and began to share his story. As the conversation continued he explained how he was a Muslim, but didn’t feel like God had been answering his prayers. Our team got to share the gospel with the man, along with some words they heard from the Father for him. He had an emotional response and willingly received the Bible they offered him!

A highlight for us this week has been seeing God’s creative nature used during ministry. On several occasions we have done art with the refugees, which they’ve been super enthusiastic about! It’s so exciting to see them step out in their gifts and embracing the freedom and healing that comes from creative expression. God is known as Creator, and we carry His image, so why shouldn’t we be creative as well?

Week 8

Our team has “officially” ended ministry in Spain! Almost a week ago we left the city where we’ve been staying for the past month to debrief and spend three days ministering in another city. We love all of the people that we have built relationships with!

Outreach is not a glamorous one-time event, but it is filled with people and moments to remember for a lifetime. Yes, there are times when God shows up and encounters people in powerful ways. But a lot of our time is spent faithfully sowing seeds in people and waiting for them to allow growth. We have had so many conversations with people, steadily removing the oppressive lies this world has put on them and replacing them with the love and truth of Jesus.

Here are a couple of testimonies from our time in another Spanish city:

We have had several divine appointments clearly set up for us by God, even though we’re only spending a short time in this city. One was through a Nigerian church a few of our team attended. We were invited back to teach a Bible study for the women! Our team read and prayed through Psalm 139 with the women and got to bless and empower them with prayer!

Through a series of events, our team was also invited to be on the broadcast of a local Christian radio station. Three of our team was able to share testimonies of how Jesus met them to whoever was listening! Praise God!

We really wanted to thank you all for praying and continuously supporting us! It has been so amazing to see God work his amazing ways, we are honestly so sad to go home! We pray that reading this you will be encouraged by what God is doing for his people, and that you will step out to share the love of Christ with the people around you!
