Our brothers and sisters experience persecution every day. Now is the time to help them.
All around the world, many of our brothers and sisters daily face harsh persecution for sharing the message of Jesus or even for simply being a Christian.
Jesus’ final prayer was for his disciples and all those who believed in their message to be one as he and the Father are one. By washing his disciples feet, he demonstrated the servant-hearted love of the Father and taught us to care for each other in deep love. We want to follow Jesus’ example and care for our brothers and sisters around the world experiencing persecution for their faith in Jesus.

Extravagantly Serving
We want to be a resource for persecuted believers! We currently support a number of believers who are also ministry leaders and running discipleship schools in that region. We also run Persecuted Church prayer nights where we share about what life is like for persecuted believers, and then spend time praying together! Some of our favorite times have been all-night prayer meetings standing in the gap for our brothers and sisters around the world.
We desire to expand this financial and prayer support even into encouragement and strengthening them however we can. Ultimately, we want to visit them in prison and even take care of their families. We also are praying for the opportunity to run “Refresh Seminars” encouraging and ministering to persecuted believers in Muslim majority nations. We’ve already been able to visit and encourage the underground church during some of our Frontier Trips.
Now is the time!
The Persecuted Church needs our your help! If you would like to make a one-off or reoccuring donation, please click the button below. Thank you for your generosity!