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Spain is Never Going to be the Same!


Hello! We’ve had a very exciting fifth week here in Spain!

We, as a team, are learning what it means to step into the calling and identity of ambassadors that God has for us here. He continues to pour out affirmation over us as we remain open to what He’s saying in every single moment. Here are a few testimonies of all that God is doing!

At our Sunday church service last week, two of our teammates got to share with a young Muslim man. He had grown up with a Muslim father and a Christian mother. Once his mother passed away he was pressured into being a Muslim. Now this man is a refugee here in Spain, but Jesus has obviously still been pursuing him, as our team got the opportunity to talk him through various Scriptures and share the gospel message with him. He was so hungry to know what the Bible says, and when they asked if he wanted to receive Jesus as the Lord of his life, HE SAID YES. Our team prayed with him and he received the Holy Spirit. After that, Aaron spent time encouraging and discipling him in all the things Jesus has for him. Praise God!

One night last week, some of the girls on our team got to speak into the life of a woman who recently lost her baby. When we entered the house where she was, we were struck by the grief in the woman’s heart. But we serve a God who does not avoid suffering. He stepped right into the place where she was through the prayers that our team got to pray over her. Three girls of our team spoke words of life over the woman that touched her so deeply and she began to weep. A transformation began to take place in her as the Holy Spirit began to move. When they asked if she wanted to permanently invite Jesus into the empty space in her heart, SHE SAID YES.

We’ve been amazed, observing the various ways that God can work and how He brings things around in His timing. Over the past couple of weeks, some of our team has really connected with a young Muslim refugee. We’ve been interceding for him to step into son-ship with Christ as God continues to give us a heart for him. On Sunday, two of us got to have a long conversation with T (we cannot include his name for security reasons) about all the things he has previously known about Jesus. He’s not at the place where he’s ready to accept the truth of Jesus and the Bible yet, but he’s coming closer and closer to realizing the freedom and relationship with God that is being offered to him! T accepted prayer for healing for the shoulder pain he’s had ever since his journey here. After we prayed and asked how he felt, he said the pain was better and he felt happy and peaceful! We then got to speak over him the identity we see God has for him.

We were excited this week to see some of the words God has given us cross our path already. Our base sent us some words they heard from God concerning our ministry, one of them being “stage four cancer.” Alyssa, one of our team members, heard a similar word one morning as we prayed about the day’s evangelism. God affirmed what we heard when some of our team met a woman with terminal lung cancer that same day. Some of us got to pray over her in Jesus’ name and guide her gently to the truth. God has been faithful to give us direction in our ministry!

Our sixth week has been hugely about remaining true to the word we received from God at the beginning of outreach: to saturate every single space of the city with worship and prayer. On Saturday, we had a 7 hour prayer meeting for the Seven Spheres of Society specifically in this city. We interceded for, worshipped over, and dedicated to the Lord each of these areas: Business, Art, Media, Family, Education, Government, and Church. The sound of praise is (and always will be) more powerful than any darkness! The Kingdom is coming to this place.

We’ve seen God’s power displayed through several people being healed. Our team prayed for an Arabic man who had knee pain, after which he said the pain had gone! God also brought healing to a young man’s sprained ankle and to another’s sore muscles.

One of the days this week our team had the opportunity to lead two of our Muslim friends to the truth of Jesus. We shared the gospel and explained the importance of the decision they were about to make. When we asked if they would like to open the door of their hearts to Jesus, they said yes! We got to lead our brothers through a prayer of repentance and acceptance, and invited the Holy Spirit to come and continue to bring change in them from now on. It was incredible to see the transformation displayed on their faces as Jesus ministered to their hearts. Now, we’ve connected them with other believers in the area to continue the process of discipleship after we leave!

The team has been delighting in being able to share the gospel with the people who are ready to hear it. God is steadily replacing the lies this world has pushed onto people with His truth that we find in the Bible. We are so honored to be a part of uplifting the people we interact with by telling them of God’s intention for them. It’s encouraging to know that all we have to do is sow and water the seeds; the Holy Spirit will do the growing in each person’s heart.

Thanks for partnering with us! You can join us in praying for unity amongst the believers in the area, and that God would give us sensitivity and wisdom on how to minister to the people He brings to us. God is good!

Our team in Spain is seeing God move.
