“Therefore, GO and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28:19)

Did you notice something in that verse? Did you notice that we are all called to go? No one is excluded from Jesus’ commission – everyone has the opportunity to join in! But where does that leave you? How can you get involved with the commission and furthering the Gospel?

As you read these helpful ways to get involved, invite the Holy Spirit into the process. Ask Him to speak to you, to tell you how He wants to change the World, and how He wants use you as a world changer.


1. Go into your own neighborhood and just do it.

The first one is obvious. Find the courage, get God’s heart, and GO share the Gospel. Some ways this could look are finding a church group that does evangelism in your city, getting involved with a college group that offers prayer and healing on campus on Friday nights, or even volunteering at a food shelter or soup kitchen! Whether it be finding a group that will motivate you to serve your community, a friend that you can go out with, or if you are able to just find time to do it by yourself, do it. You have skills, time and the ability to impact your city for Christ. All you have to do, is do it!


2. Give financially, prayerfully, practically to missionaries.

If you go to a church, or are a part of any western Christian stream, chances are you know (or can get to know) at least one active missionary. Do your part to get to know them when they are in town, hear what they are doing for the Lord, and learn from their experiences in missions. As you impact missionaries with your love and making them feel supported, they are in turn able to go out and make disciples of nations!

By pouring out to the missionaries you know, you are getting involved and supporting missions.

Here are some creative ways to reach and encourage the missionaries that you know:

  • Give and support them financially and consistently. The money you sow directly sows into the Kingdom of God!
  • Pray and encourage them monthly. Do the extra mile in making sure that there needs are met, or at least prayed for. Send them encouraging messages, ask them how they are doing and actively pray for them.
  • If you are unable to give financially, give to missionaries with the ability and skills that you already have. Make them edifying art. Throw them a fundraiser event. Babysit their children. Fix there car or broken refrigerator. You have skills – think of ways that you can donate your time and skills to bless them!


3. Share your testimony and your relationship with the Lord on your personal social media platforms. Join justice movements that represent Christ!

This way might sound like a bit of a stretch for “missions”, or a bit unnecessary, but honestly, you’d be surprised at the impact you can make by being honest about your relationship with the Lord, and sharing the things that you believe and why you believe in them on your social media platforms.

My challenge to you: Be vulnerable. Open up. Be the light that the World is looking for.

Who knows what could happen when you start the conversation.

There are also amazing organizations that are trying to raise awareness about certain injustice and social movements issues. Do your part in following, sharing and being a part of the honest and real voices that are fueling these justice movements! Some awesome organizations to follow and movements to join are:

  • Fight the New Drug is an Christian group fighting and raising awareness against the effects of pornography @fightthenewdrug
  • The Call is Lou Engle’s prayer movement to end abortion in America @thecall
  • #enditmovement is a social anti-slavery and abolitionist movement that you can participate in #endit #enough @enditmovement
  • Carry the Love; A movement brought by the Circuit Riders dedicated to inspire today’s youth and young adult generation to love radically like Jesus

4. Go on a short-term missions trip or outreach.

Short-term mission trips are awesome opportunities for people who are exploring the idea of becoming a missionary. They are inspiring and eye opening, and they can be life-changing for people around the world. However, there is a right way to do a short term trip. Read this blog, for more information on ways to fruitfully and effectively go on a short-term outreach in a way that is edifying and honoring to the local people.

Here are some awesome in-house opportunities and some friends of ours who are offering short-term missions opportunities that will equip you and actually make a difference in individuals lives across nations:

5. Donate to an organization that is spreading the Gospel!

There are endless, I mean endless, non-profits and missions organizations that are dedicated to bringing God’s kingdom to Earth – it is just a matter of finding one that you can pour into. Get to know the organizations that are reaching out in your city, in your county, in a topic you care about, or a nation that is on your heart. Follow them and be a part of what they are doing by giving to them financially. They can’t do it without people like you, who are willing to support them.

It is also an awesome way to find “your people”. Get to know the volunteers and advocates of that organization, the people that are stirred into action just like you are about topics you care about.

Sowing into ministries is one of the easiest ways to do your part in completing Great Commission.


6. Do a missions training program.

Fair warning, we are a bit biased about this one. Missions training programs are probably the most effective and life-changing ways to get involved with missions! At YWAM Redding, we offer a program called a Discipleship Training School (DTS). It is a 5 month program that is dedicated to leading students to encounter God, become true revivalists and make God known all over the world.

The best parts about our DTS is that students are able to:

  • Be surrounded by a missions oriented community
  • Build a stronger relationship with the Lord before they are sent out
  • Go on a two month cross-cultural outreach that is dedicated on seeing God move in powerful and fruitful ways in regions like Africa, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia
  • Have one on one discipleship and in depth Bible discovery
  • Study and learn about topics like compassion, adventure, ministry to muslims, and worship

There are other organization and YWAM locations that offer missions training programs. Find one that is right for you!

Like I mentioned before; pray about it.

Here are some quick activation questions to start a conversation with the Lord about how you should get involved with completing the Great Commission. Have fun discovering and dreaming with the Lord with what you are called to do!

  • Jesus, how do you want me to get involved with missions? What have you given me that I can give back to serve you and your children?
  • What places are you highlighting to me? What have you put on my heart that I can do something about?
  • God, why do you care about missions? Why should I be involved?

Interested in knowing more about our missions training program? We would love to hear from you! Click the button below to connect with us!

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