This week, our Turkey team has been out and about sharing the good news of the Gospel, seeing God’s hand move hearts and minds to salvation in faith, healings and miracles. This is despite facing strict restrictions as to what they can say and do in the refugee camp where they spend most of their time.
The team packs food for Syrian refugees and then distributes the sacks of food along with sanitary necessities such as pads, diapers, baby wipes, and milk at the refugee camp. A government worker is tasked to accompany them to ensure that the team sticks to their given job of distributing supplies only. The Gospel could not be shared verbally. Keep on reading to hear testimonies from their week!
“Every week we have the opportunity to pack food for Syrian refugees and then distribute the sacks at the refugee camps. Even though we are not allowed to share the gospel with the refugees we are confident that the generosity and care we show towards them will give them a glimpse of Jesus. Even just a smile can have a huge impact on these people who live lives that seem so void of joy at times. Since visiting the refugee camps, I have gained a new perspective on what it means to feed the hungry. Sometimes it seems like we are not doing much for the Kingdom because we are prohibited from telling the refugees about the Gospel. However, God has recently reminded me through Habakkuk 1:5 that we do not always know what He is doing and how He is using us for His glory. “Look among the nations, and see; wonder and be astounded. For I am doing a work in your days that you would not believe if told.” – Alizabeth
“We were out doing street evangelism when we randomly stopped to talk to three young men. It turned out that they were all Iranian, and one of them was actually a believer. The other did not have any specific beliefs, and the last was a Muslim. We went for tea with them and talked for over an hour. We asked them if they had any pain in their bodies that we could pray for; the Muslim man said he had pain in his neck and back. We prayed for him and Jesus healed him. He was incredibly stunned and didn’t even know what to say in response to this miracle. Later on, he called his mother who was in Iran and we got to pray for her over FaceTime. Jesus healed her head and her shoulder, much to both her excitement and her son’s. The next day, the man who said he held no religious affiliation asked us if we could come to the hospital and pray for his friend who had been in a motorcycle accident. We got to pray for him and also share the Gospel for over an hour with them. The injured man was not receptive, but the man who had brought us there was listening intently the whole time. After we left the hospital, he said that he had been reading the New Testament we had given him the day before and that he really liked everything in it. He then asked us how he could become a Christian! We talked with him a little longer and then he prayed to accept Christ into his life right there on the side of the road. He is now connected with the local Iranian church.” – Allan
Either way, no matter the method of sharing Jesus or perceived restrictions we face or give ourselves, we can be sure that God is at work and He has the power to affect hearts, renew minds and open eyes in ways we cannot see or imagine possible in normal human logic.
The foundation of evangelism is pouring out love to others. Though we may face fear that hinders the sharing of the Good News, we are reminded time and again through testimonies that Jesus is attractive and very much needed in lives! We are His image-bearers, we are a reflection of who God is in all we say and do.
Jesus said in John 5:19, that He only does what He sees His Father do. The Son of Man can do nothing of His own accord. As we serve in seemingly small or perceived big ways, be encouraged that God sees our hearts and faithfulness. He is the one who would bring to life and fruition the work He has called us to do with our hands.
His love for His lost sons and daughters is greater than the compassion we have for them. Smile to show love at all times and present the Good News when opportunities arise!