What To Pack for a Six-Month DTS
The Basics of DTS Packing
A hiking backpack- These can be expensive however are so helpful for outreach. Whether you pack in it for DTS instead of a suitcase or just bring it along for outreach, you are going to want one of these. DTS outreaches are often in more rural areas and sometimes with lots of moving. Hiking backpacks make it easy for any form of travel and help you pack light.
Here is a high end one if you want to invest- Click Here
Here is a lower-priced one if you’re just looking to get through one or two trips- Click Here
A laptop- if you have a laptop you are going to want to bring it! Our base and most bases have on-base Wi-Fi. As well, you may need it for your DTS lecture phase work duty, writing updates to your supporters, and taking notes in class.
Bedding- For the lecture phase, we recommend bringing sheets, a light blanket, and towels. A sleeping bag for outreach will be best most of the time as you never really know where you will be sleeping. You could also just bring a sleeping bag for the lecture phase or purchase bedding when you arrive for the lecture phase.
Here are some sleeping bags we recommend- Click Here
Clothing- Doing laundry is normally very accessible on the base. Although clothes you don’t love or care about getting dirty on outreach are great, you are also going to want some normal clothes for your lecture phase. And at least one nice outfit for churches during both phases.
Each base has different dress codes so make sure to look that over before packing your clothes. Also, keep in mind the weather and the season where you are going. Outreach can be more unpredictable as you most likely will not know where you are going when packing. Thrift stores are always a great option for outreach clothes. Most likely you will need a pair of flip flops, tennis shoes or work shoes, and a pair of nicer shoes for churches.
Passport- Make sure you have a passport before you leave for your DTS. You, of course, want to travel and you can’t do that without a passport!
Journal and Bible- These are a no brainer but make sure you have them. You will be having quiet times every day and you will probably want to write down your prayers but also your experiences and testimonies of what God is doing!
Backpack- A backpack or daypack is both great for outreach and lecture phase. In lecture phase of DTS, backpacks are great to carry your journal, bible, water bottle and whatever else you have for your day from class to home and around the base. For outreach, a backpack is a great personal item to carry on that fits perfectly under the seat in front of you. And can turn into a day bag for the day to day life in a foreign country.
Here is a high end one if you want to invest- Click Here
Here is one that is good but less of an investment- Click Here
Check out this video of what to bring on outreach. Most of these things you will probably buy during lecture phase, however, if you already have them at home might as well stick them in your suitcase for the lecture phase!
Our best tip is don’t bring too much stuff! You will never really know what you’re going to actually use. But lighter is always better for both phases. If you rarely use your curling iron or makeup, don’t bother bringing it. But if you love those things, go ahead. You have to decide what is essential for you!
Our base and most base will have a place for you to store the things you don’t bring on outreach so don’t worry too much about where your suitcase and nicer items will go!
Last but not least, bring yourself with an open heart. It might be cheesy, but it’s the most important thing about DTS. DTS is a time to be encountered by God in ways that only come from setting aside six months for Him.
Happy traveling!
Haven’t done a DTS but this blog made you interested? We would love to have you at YWAM Redding! Click below to learn more information!