I Say “Yes” to God
This is the first blog in a five-part series! In this page, we’ll deconstruct the meaning and impact of making a commitment. The next few blogs will walk through moments of faithfulness in the lives of biblical figures. Through their lives, we’ll be able to see characteristics of who God is and the results that come from loyalty to Him. The last blog of the series will be practical ways to say “yes” to God from wherever we may be in our walk with Him.
What You Say Matters!
Your “yes” to God is a promise.
An important part of making a promise is understanding what you are saying when you say it. When you make a verbal commitment to something, you’re saying, “I will do everything it takes to do this well.” Which means you are giving it priority in your life. When you say “yes” to God, He takes first place in your life and He is so worthy of it!
Step One
The first step to saying “yes” to God, is saying “yes” to Jesus. In John 14:6-7 (NIV) it says, “Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really know me, you will know my Father as well. From now on, you do know Him and have seen Him.” If you believe in Jesus and have declared Him the Lord and Savior of your life, you have said “yes” to God. You have agreed to love Him and be loved by Him! You have accepted His plan for your life. By having accepted Jesus, you’ve also accepted the Spirit of God to live within you, to guide you. The first step is arguably the most important one, but the commitment isn’t complete without the other steps!
Say “Yes” to God and His Word
In order to say “yes” to God, you have to say “yes” to His Word. In Greek, there are 2 different words that can be basically translated to “word” in English: logos and rhema. However, there’s a slight inflection in the meaning of them. The logos Word of God is His constant, written word. The rhema Word of God is His spoken word. The two of them work together beautifully to give us a personal relationship with the God of the universe.
Steps Two & Three
The second step to saying “yes” to God is to commit to follow God’s logos word. If you accept Jesus into your life, you also accept the Bible as holy and true. Therefore, you agree to read and obey the written Word of God. When you read the Bible, you open yourself up to revelation by the Holy Spirit. When you obey the Word of God, you open your life up to transformation!
The third step to saying “yes” to God is to commit to follow God’s rhema word. God speaks. He speaks life into situations. He speaks resolution into conflict. His rhema Word never contradicts His logos Word. Everything that God says today will align with what the Bible says. When you listen and follow His voice, you know He is with you and you know He hears you. You get to have an individual and deepening relationship with Him as you get familiar with His voice. His rhema Word and logos Word are a powerful, powerful duo.
Just Do It!
To say “yes” to God is to make a covenant with Him. It’s to give Him priority and to follow the plan He has for you. It’s to obey His Word with everything you have. This commitment is more than just something you say, it’s something you live out every day. The more you do it, the more you’ll fall in love with Him!
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