A Muslim Man’s Journey to Salvation | Outreach Testimony

A Muslim Man’s Journey to Salvation | Outreach Testimony

Our current Discipleship Training School outreach team was just in Russia for the World Cup. YWAM outreaches teams have been going to large international events for years to do ministry and reach out to the nations that attend the event. Our team had an amazing time using the World Cup event as an open door to minister to people from unreached Muslim nations that have never had a chance to hear the Gospel.

Here is an inspiring testimony from their outreach in Russia written by one of our current students:

“On one of our days during ministry in Russia, my wife and myself had a chance to go out on ministry together. We began our time praying, we specifically asked God to lead us to people whose hearts were ripe, we wanted to reach someone who wanted it!

As we were out and praying for direction we both felt led to stop and chat with a man (that we will call Ken) at a park. We quickly found out that Ken was from Yemen! Which is a majority Muslim nation and currently unreached that is currently in a civil war. He was studying in Russia as there are not very many opportunities to study in his home nation. After briefly talking to him we felt like this was an open door to hearing the Gospel.

Ken came from a Muslim background but during the conversation we found out that he was way more curious about experiencing God. Which is amazing because in most conversations with Former Muslims or current Muslims there is usually an aspect of  defending Islam that takes place in conversation. Later we found out that one of his friends from Africa had been talking to him about Jesus and was reading the gospels with him! His roommate has moved away. Ken now lives with other Muslim men. My wife and I were delighted to be part of the story God was weaving in his life since his heart had clearly been prepared through all the discussions he had with his former roommate, it was an answer to prayer.

Ken was interested in a faith that was tangible and experiential, so my wife and I shared our testimony. After we had a chance to share he exclaimed “how can I have that?” We shared with Ken about accepting Jesus. He was afraid to pray in public because of the laws against praying in public in Russia. Ken wanted to know how to ensure that He had received Jesus once he prayed on his own. We explained about our own experiences of being born again and filled with the Spirit. We had also shared with Ken about our own experiences of God speaking to us through dreams, and he said he really wanted that. We prayed that he would be able to receive dreams and revelation from the Lord. Ken left awestruck as he walked back home.” – Ebby (current DTS student)

Romans 10:9-10 says because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved.”

While Ken may not have prayed a prayer of salvation he did confess with his mouth that he wanted Jesus and wanted to have the Lord in his life. He understood the full story of the death and resurrection of Jesus and had a good understanding of what it looks like to be born again. Ken even wanted to make sure that he could be sure that he was able to receive Jesus as his savior! He didn’t have to pray a prayer to enter into salvation. The only requirement we see in scripture is confessing that Jesus is Lord and that he was raised from the dead.

Now all of heaven is rejoicing at Ken’s story to redemption and salvation! We are so excited to be a part of welcoming him home!

If you would like to learn more about what it looks like to minister to Muslims you should check out our school of Islamic Studies! The heartbeat of this school is to equip our students to go out and share the Gospel within unreached people groups. Click here to read more information!

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You Can’t Outrun God | Outreach Testimony

You Can’t Outrun God | Outreach Testimony

A Divine Interception

Our Discipleship Training School outreach team just finished up two weeks in Fremont, California continuing our mission called Fremont for Jesus to let every family in Fremont hear the Gospel and have a personal copy of His Word.

During the week our team was in Fremont, they saw 10 salvations, many healings, and they delivered hundreds of bibles! It is amazing how God uses people to change lives and bring people into wholeness! Keep reading for one of their favorite stories!

“Our team was walking down the street and saw a man on a bike. One of our contacts stopped him to see if he spoke Spanish and struck up a conversation. With a scared look on his face, he said that he was on the run from people he owed money to. Our contact shared with him in Spanish about how God is our protector and provider. As she shared the Gospel—about how Jesus can make him new—the man began to cry. With tears going down his face, he gave his life to Jesus by the side of the road.

We don’t know this man’s story or what he did to cause him to go on the run. What we do know is that God wants to interrupt our lives with his grace, love, and protection. He loves to swoop in and rescue us. The man thought he was trying to get away from people who could harm him, but what he didn’t know was that he was being intercepted by the Savior of the world.”

God is Our Protector and Defender

Our Father in heaven watches over His children. After we are transferred from the Kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light, no weapon formed against us can prosper. Our God is for us and nothing can separate us from his love.

What do you need God to intervene into? Maybe you feel stuck, abandoned, or vulnerable. Maybe you feel like you’re so deep in that you can’t dig your way back out. The good news is that we have a Savior who knows the playbook and wants to intercept you where you are – just like the man in Fremont, CA. No problem is too big for our great God! Take comfort in this promise from His Word:

Those who live in the shelter of the Most High

will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty.

This I declare about the Lord:

He alone is my refuge, my place of safety;

he is my God, and I trust him.

For he will rescue you from every trap

and protect you from deadly disease.

He will cover you with his feathers.

He will shelter you with his wings.

(Psalm 91: 1-4, NLT)

Interested in getting involved with our stateside outreach in the Bay Area of California? Click here!

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