Goodbye California, Hello France!
Stories From our Final Day in Fremont
Greetings from France!
We arrived safely in Marseille just 2 short days ago. Though our team fought against jet-lag, we spent our first day getting set up and getting the ball rolling.
We have already had a few encounters and cannot wait to share the stories that are sure to unfold in our next update. Please be praying for energy, joy, unity, and divine encounters for our team!
This week, we wanted to take a moment to share some final thoughts on our Fremont for Jesus outreach.
On Sunday, the majority of our base took off for Redding before going down to a conference in Chico, CA. This left just our students and outreach leaders, along with the community members in Fremont, to finish out our last day of evangelism.
By this point we had already seen over 50 salvations and were celebrating what the Lord had done. I don’t think any of us anticipated what was about to happen to give us even more reason to rejoice!
We went out, as usual, to share and pass out materials door to door before heading over to Elizabeth Park. We decided to have the students perform their dance one more time and had them set up by the playground. A group of 11 kids quickly formed.
At the end of the performance, Enoch and Kelly jumped in and immediately started sharing the Gospel with the little ones. She asked the crowd of children, after explaining to them who Jesus is, and about an experience she had where she felt Jesus hug her, if they would like to ask Jesus into their hearts. In response several of the kids raised their hands and a couple responded with a “Yes”.
All of a sudden one of the little girls yelled out,”I want to go to the Kingdom!” You can imagine the shock on all of our faces to hear such a comment from one so little! The general age seemed to range from about 4 or 5 to 8 and 10 at the absolute most, but regardless, these little ones understood what they were being invited to and one of them vocalized it perfectly!
“From the lips of children and infants you. Lord, have called forth your praise” (Matthew 21:16)
She got it! I can tell you, for certain, that I have never heard a child say such a thing before and it was one of the sweetest moments observed all of outreach!
Following her response, Kelly replied with another question, “Who wants to go the Kingdom?” All the kids began to erupt with hands and voices lifted high eager to go to the Kingdom; to go home. A home they have always longed for yet never known. All 11 children gave their lives to Jesus right there on the spot with Kelly and all professed out loud their belief in Jesus Christ King of our Kingdom! Such a sweet moment!
At the end of our time, we all gathered together to share more testimonies since we had split into smaller groups. By the end of all the stories we realized that 16 people, including the 11 children, had given their lives to Jesus that day! This quickly put the number of salvations in Fremont from about 50 to almost 70!
This was not only during our last day in Fremont, but also our very last night to be exact within our very last hour of evangelism! We saw five more salvations at the park within that short time frame making our last day of evangelism our single most visibly fruitful day! Praise the Lord!
While we may have His heart as our own and a desire to do the will of our Father at the end, and of course at the beginning, of each day, we find ourselves in bewilderment about the things He has planned for us to do and see never fully knowing what lies beyond the horizon of each moment He mercifully blesses us with!
May this be an encouragement, as well as a reminder to us all that our Father is good and eager to bring all of His Children into the Kingdom, both big and small, and often times our only part in this divine orchestration may very well just be asking those around us, “Would you like to go to the Kingdom?”