91 Salvations In 3 Days | India Outreach Update

91 Salvations In 3 Days | India Outreach Update

One of our DTS outreach teams arrived in India about a week ago, and they have already witnessed some incredible fruit! Our team has gone with the intent of seeing people saved, healed, and delivered, and Jesus has been so faithful to that! Here is an update from them about their first few days overseas:

Day #1 | Slums and A Home Visit

“We went to the slums on our first day of ministry, which is a testimony of divine appointments in and of itself! We sang songs and danced with the children, then prayed for them afterward. During this time, one of our leaders, Ru, lead 2 children to Christ! One was a boy I was praying for. I felt him swaying as I prayed, so I called Ru over to translate. He asked him what he was feeling, and he said, “I don’t know, I am just swaying.” We explained to him that He was experiencing the presence of God, and as we talked, Ru lead him to Christ! Many other children were swaying and feeling God’s presence as we prayed for them, too. We saw TWO salvations at the slums on our very first day of ministry, and many children encountered God’s presence!

That same day, our team ministered at a family’s home. At the house, one of our students boldly shared her testimony and the gospel of Jesus! Then, two of our staff got words from the Lord that there were people in the home suffering from stomach pains, issues with a right foot, and ear problems. When they shared those words of knowledge, two girls stood up to say they were dealing with those problems. Our team prayed for them, and they were both instantly healed! Another girl that had jaundice for 2 months also got healed completely, and then asked Jesus into her heart! One of our students was also able to share his testimony with a man who then, in response, gave his life to Christ!

Day #2 | Encouraging the Local Body of Christ

The next day started with kids ministry. We worshiped and prayed over the children, and TWO of them gave their lives to Christ! Many encountered God’s presence, some felt fear leave as we prayed and others said they felt immense peace.
Afterward, we were blessed to visit a family who has a growing house ministry. The Lord’s favor is very present in their lives! They regularly invite families to their homes to share the gospel with them, and they are seeing great growth in numbers! One of our students boldly shared her testimony with them. We then took some time to pray over them, and share words of encouragement from the Lord with them.

Day #3 | 84 Salvations at A Hospital!

On our third day, we were given a tour of the local hospital and got to see where some students study for their nursing degrees. The leaders of this hospital asked if we would like to speak to the students, and of course, we said “yes!” One of our teammates shared the gospel with a large group of students and teachers, and lead 84 of them to Jesus! Some girls began to cry as they prayed and gave their lives to Jesus and we were able to share scripture with them.

That whole experience also testifies to God’s favor over us! The local church asked the leaders of this hospital if they could do the same thing but the hospital turned them down–so the fact that they let us shows so much grace and favor.

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How God Called Me To India | Student Testimony

How God Called Me To India | Student Testimony

This is how Sarah, one of our previous students in the School of Islamic Studies, found her calling to the nation of India. God took her on an amazingly fast, but clear journey towards what she is really passionate about in life. Through intercession, God placed a burden on her heart, which turned into a definite call with a lot of clear confirmation and provision to actually go on an outreach to India!


God’s Heart

I used to think that if you were called to a nation, you had to have a clear word about a specific place for your whole life… but Jesus totally blew my beliefs about this out of the water. During the first week of my School of Islamic Studies, Jesus started revealing His heart for India to me.

It all started during a time of intercession. We asked Jesus to lay a country on our heart, and to also to reveal the strongholds over the country. Our speaker then directed us to pray in the opposite spirit of the demonic oppression over that nation. Jesus highlighted South Asia, and specifically India, which seemed strange to me because I had never felt any desire to go there. All of a sudden, Jesus told me to pray against the spirit of lust and impurity over India. I started to think about the millions in this country who have been claimed by the human trafficking industry. This thought made my heart begin to ache.

As I was praying tears started to fill my eyes and eventually I had to leave the room as I began to weep. Jesus was starting to birth a new passion inside of me. Later that night, I looked up human trafficking statistics in South Asia and found that India was ranked as one of the worst in the world. I started reading stories about the women and children who have been trafficked and the horror they experience on a daily basis. I was completely appalled. That was the moment that Jesus planted a seed deep in my heart, and I knew that I HAD to do something.


The night after God began to give me his heart for India, Jesus gave me a prophetic dream. This was actually the first time that I ever had a prophetic dream.

In my dream, I saw all of YWAM Redding, including myself, sitting down at round tables in our fellowship hall (where we eat, have worship, etc…) and one of my friends, Rohan, was preaching. There was a banner behind him that corresponded with his teaching and said “The Assignment, The Call, and The Go”. He was specifically talking about a country, which I assumed was India because Rohan is moving there to start a YWAM base. Four of my leaders stood up, pointed at me, and said, “SARAH! You’re the assignment! You have to go!!” I remember feeling incredibly confused. Then all of a sudden a white dove flew by my face, circled around it once, disappeared, and I knew that God’s peace was all over this situation. Next thing I knew, I ran out the door to go fulfill this said “assignment”.

Confirmation and Vision

About two weeks later, Jesus gave me another prophetic dream confirming the passion He instilled in me about anti human trafficking. In my dream, I ran through a forest chasing Jesus. As I followed Him, I turned to see a group of young Indian women and children running behind me clothed in black, ragged dresses. As I ran, I started doing ballerina leaps and the women and children started doing the same. Once they took their very first ballerina leap, their black ragged dresses transformed into radiant white dresses.

Again, I felt Jesus confirming my call to India and the vision for helping human trafficking victims. The Lord is calling me to bring peace and freedom to the women and children who have been victimized. I want to speak their true identity into them and root them in their daughter-ship in Christ and want them to know what it feels like to be truly loved and valued as Children of the Kingdom.

I wish to bring transformation to these women–from being forced to live a wretched lifestyle into living out a pure and holy life. Falling victim to the sex trafficking  industry is something that is normalized in Indian culture. They assume that it’s custom to be sexually, physically, and emotionally abused. Sadly, even young children think this is a part of normal life. My heart was once again filled with a zealous desire to halt the injustice that happens there on a daily basis. I want to change the culture–to denormalize abuse in the nation of India.

The Go

Originally, at the end of my School of Islamic Studies, we were planning to go on outreach to a country in Central Asia. However, for some reason I felt certain in my spirit that I was going to India instead with the DTS outreach team. This didn’t make sense to me at all, since this isn’t something that normally happens.

Despite the odd circumstances, I had so much faith that Jesus would make something happen, after all, He had given me so much confirmation. Literally two days after I wrote that in my journal, they announced that our trip to Central Asia had been cancelled. Can you say confirmation from Jesus?!

At this point, I started the conversation about going on outreach with our leadership team. I shared about my dreams from The Lord, and my heart for the nation. After prayer and discussion, Jesus has made a way for me to go with the outreach team to India!

My future plan is to move to India and commit for at least five years to help Rupesh, Susanna, and Rohan, pioneer a YWAM base in Ranchi, India. While I’m there, my dreams are to help lead schools and outreaches, start the anti-human trafficking ministry, start an orphanage, and start a center for women to get free ultrasounds of their babies in hopes of ending abortion.

Do you have a spark in your heart to see change in nations?

Ignite it into a burning passion! Check out our SIS!

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6 Ways to Get Involved with Missions

6 Ways to Get Involved with Missions

“Therefore, GO and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28:19)

Did you notice something in that verse? Did you notice that we are all called to go? No one is excluded from Jesus’ commission – everyone has the opportunity to join in! But where does that leave you? How can you get involved with the commission and furthering the Gospel?

As you read these helpful ways to get involved, invite the Holy Spirit into the process. Ask Him to speak to you, to tell you how He wants to change the World, and how He wants use you as a world changer.


1. Go into your own neighborhood and just do it.

The first one is obvious. Find the courage, get God’s heart, and GO share the Gospel. Some ways this could look are finding a church group that does evangelism in your city, getting involved with a college group that offers prayer and healing on campus on Friday nights, or even volunteering at a food shelter or soup kitchen! Whether it be finding a group that will motivate you to serve your community, a friend that you can go out with, or if you are able to just find time to do it by yourself, do it. You have skills, time and the ability to impact your city for Christ. All you have to do, is do it!


2. Give financially, prayerfully, practically to missionaries.

If you go to a church, or are a part of any western Christian stream, chances are you know (or can get to know) at least one active missionary. Do your part to get to know them when they are in town, hear what they are doing for the Lord, and learn from their experiences in missions. As you impact missionaries with your love and making them feel supported, they are in turn able to go out and make disciples of nations!

By pouring out to the missionaries you know, you are getting involved and supporting missions.

Here are some creative ways to reach and encourage the missionaries that you know:

  • Give and support them financially and consistently. The money you sow directly sows into the Kingdom of God!
  • Pray and encourage them monthly. Do the extra mile in making sure that there needs are met, or at least prayed for. Send them encouraging messages, ask them how they are doing and actively pray for them.
  • If you are unable to give financially, give to missionaries with the ability and skills that you already have. Make them edifying art. Throw them a fundraiser event. Babysit their children. Fix there car or broken refrigerator. You have skills – think of ways that you can donate your time and skills to bless them!


3. Share your testimony and your relationship with the Lord on your personal social media platforms. Join justice movements that represent Christ!

This way might sound like a bit of a stretch for “missions”, or a bit unnecessary, but honestly, you’d be surprised at the impact you can make by being honest about your relationship with the Lord, and sharing the things that you believe and why you believe in them on your social media platforms.

My challenge to you: Be vulnerable. Open up. Be the light that the World is looking for.

Who knows what could happen when you start the conversation.

There are also amazing organizations that are trying to raise awareness about certain injustice and social movements issues. Do your part in following, sharing and being a part of the honest and real voices that are fueling these justice movements! Some awesome organizations to follow and movements to join are:

  • Fight the New Drug is an Christian group fighting and raising awareness against the effects of pornography @fightthenewdrug
  • The Call is Lou Engle’s prayer movement to end abortion in America @thecall
  • #enditmovement is a social anti-slavery and abolitionist movement that you can participate in #endit #enough @enditmovement
  • Carry the Love; A movement brought by the Circuit Riders dedicated to inspire today’s youth and young adult generation to love radically like Jesus

4. Go on a short-term missions trip or outreach.

Short-term mission trips are awesome opportunities for people who are exploring the idea of becoming a missionary. They are inspiring and eye opening, and they can be life-changing for people around the world. However, there is a right way to do a short term trip. Read this blog, for more information on ways to fruitfully and effectively go on a short-term outreach in a way that is edifying and honoring to the local people.

Here are some awesome in-house opportunities and some friends of ours who are offering short-term missions opportunities that will equip you and actually make a difference in individuals lives across nations:

5. Donate to an organization that is spreading the Gospel!

There are endless, I mean endless, non-profits and missions organizations that are dedicated to bringing God’s kingdom to Earth – it is just a matter of finding one that you can pour into. Get to know the organizations that are reaching out in your city, in your county, in a topic you care about, or a nation that is on your heart. Follow them and be a part of what they are doing by giving to them financially. They can’t do it without people like you, who are willing to support them.

It is also an awesome way to find “your people”. Get to know the volunteers and advocates of that organization, the people that are stirred into action just like you are about topics you care about.

Sowing into ministries is one of the easiest ways to do your part in completing Great Commission.


6. Do a missions training program.

Fair warning, we are a bit biased about this one. Missions training programs are probably the most effective and life-changing ways to get involved with missions! At YWAM Redding, we offer a program called a Discipleship Training School (DTS). It is a 5 month program that is dedicated to leading students to encounter God, become true revivalists and make God known all over the world.

The best parts about our DTS is that students are able to:

  • Be surrounded by a missions oriented community
  • Build a stronger relationship with the Lord before they are sent out
  • Go on a two month cross-cultural outreach that is dedicated on seeing God move in powerful and fruitful ways in regions like Africa, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia
  • Have one on one discipleship and in depth Bible discovery
  • Study and learn about topics like compassion, adventure, ministry to muslims, and worship

There are other organization and YWAM locations that offer missions training programs. Find one that is right for you!

Like I mentioned before; pray about it.

Here are some quick activation questions to start a conversation with the Lord about how you should get involved with completing the Great Commission. Have fun discovering and dreaming with the Lord with what you are called to do!

  • Jesus, how do you want me to get involved with missions? What have you given me that I can give back to serve you and your children?
  • What places are you highlighting to me? What have you put on my heart that I can do something about?
  • God, why do you care about missions? Why should I be involved?

Interested in knowing more about our missions training program? We would love to hear from you! Click the button below to connect with us!

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Life with Jesus is Never Boring | My Faith Outreach Story

Life with Jesus is Never Boring | My Faith Outreach Story

The First Step

As students in the School of Islamic Studies, we have hearts to reach the unreached. It requires steps of radical faith in order to successfully reach those who live in the “hardest and darkest” parts of the world. A part of this school is learning to trust God fully and to go where he leads without hesitation. One week of the school, we were commissioned to go out on what we call a faith outreach, just as the disciples did in Luke 9.

“And he sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal the sick. He told them: “Take nothing for the journey—no staff, no bag, no bread, no money, no extra shirt. Whatever house you enter, stay there until you leave that town. If people do not welcome you, leave their town and shake the dust off your feet as a testimony against them.” So they set out and went from village to village, proclaiming the good news and healing people everywhere.” (Luke 9:2-6)

Like the disciples, we were sent out in teams with no money, food, or a place to stay. We were instructed to proclaim the Kingdom of God wherever He led us, and to trust the Lord for every provision.

My team headed to Bay Area, with a word of the Lord that we would do three things: love big, have fun, and follow our passions. When God speaks He is always faithful to fulfill. Our journey through faith outreach was filled with just these things.

Loving Extravagantly

On day one, the Lord called us to minister to one of our team member’s family. We were able to reach out to them in a season of hardship. Before this time we knew that we were called to love extravagantly everyone who we met. This specific call of The Lord was fulfilled during this time. We were able to love and champion them in ways that spoke to them in big ways. I even got to teach one of them a worship song on the piano and show her what joy is found in worshiping the Lord. We were able to love them extravagantly.

Later in the week, we were doing evangelism, and we encountered people from all different religions. We talked to Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, and everything in between. In conversation, we could have argued or felt responsible for proving our beliefs to be true. However, The Lord spoke to us very specifically that love had to be our only motivation. Because we chose to love, we were able to continue ministering through the opposition. At the end of the day, we finally found someone who was hungry for the gospel. We had a fruitful conversation that would not have happened if the Lord did not remind us to love extravagantly and endlessly.

As we ministered, our team walked in incredible unity, and it is because we loved each other well. I realized that loving big should not just mean loving the lost, but loving our brothers and sisters in Christ.


Having Fun

One day during our outreach, the opportunity to go to Six Flags for free was presented to us! With a word of the Lord to have fun, we knew the He was behind it. The day was filled with joy as we rode roller coasters and evangelized to those in the lines with us.

We got to show others that ministry does not have to be boring and routine. We serve a Lord who cares about our smallest desires and loves to see His children laughing and having fun. Doing life with Jesus is a wild ride! (no pun intended). 

God did not only provide our basic necessities, he gave us things to enjoy! One of my favorite moments was getting to eat authentic Syrian food together. God could have just let us eat sandwiches, but I guess He wanted us to taste of His goodness. Literally.


Following Our Passions

We followed our passions during that week wholeheartedly. We are passionate about Houses of Prayer, so we went to one. God used that place to provide for all of our needs! 

I am passionate about relational ministry (and coffee dates), so I got coffee with a girl that I had met. We talked for an hour about the gospel, what I believed and what she believed. We are passionate about mercy ministries, and so we served at a homeless shelter. I am passionate about helping women in human trafficking and prostitution, so we did ministry in the red light district. We are passionate about worship, and so we worshiped on the UC Berkeley campus. We even ran into a piano on the concourse!

The Lord constantly provided ways for us to glorify Him in spreading his Kingdom while pursuing our passions.

God loves to use the passions that are already in our hearts. 


This Week Changed Me

Throughout this week, I gained new confidence in the faithfulness of God. He showed us that every word that he speaks will come into fruition. As I seek Him and his kingdom here on earth, doors will open and provision will come.

He showed me that when we fix our eyes on him, it is possible to walk in perfect unity with other believers and to love each other well. I found that people will not always agree with me, and they might reject the gospel, but that is okay. That does not change its power and it does not change who Jesus is. Jesus showed me that ministry is not boring and burnout is not inevitable! This week was fun, restful, and refreshing.

Going into faith outreach, I was quite nervous, but if I had known then what I know now, I would have been far from fearful. I was scared of the uncertainty: where I would stay and how I would eat. We might have been more comfortable if we had brought money with us “just in case” God did not show up. However, I have realized that when we take a leap of faith and surrender our “plan B”, God always comes through. Now as I continue my walk with The Lord and look towards to long term ministry in unreached nations, I feel certain that when He calls me to do something, He will also equip me. Where God guides, he provides, and I can literally trust Him with my life!


You too can walk in radical faith!

I want to invite you to join us in a Discipleship Training School where you will learn more about what it means to walk boldly and to trust the Lord with your life. If you have done a DTS, join us for the School of Supernatural Frontier Missions and embark on a faith outreach week where you will get to experience the Lord’s faithfulness first hand!

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A Journey Away from Isolation: Finding True Community

A Journey Away from Isolation: Finding True Community

I remember a time when I was at a young age– I had done something wrong, and in response to my actions someone close to me spoke words that made me feel isolated from real community: “You aren’t going to have any friends if you act like this. You’re going to be really lonely when you are older.”

What I heard that day was this: “If you let people really get to know you, no one will want to be friends with you.”

Many of us live in a society that tells us to be careful who we let in, open up to, and share our weaknesses with. We are continually told through media and other sources that our lives will thrive in perfection and appeasing our peers. Without Jesus, it is easy to fall into the trap and become plagued by insecurity and fear of what people might think if they knew just how messy our life truly is.

Where the Journey Starts

I want to share my story with you- the story of how God spoke identity and love into me as I found a community that changed my life. I pray that it encourages you to pursue godly fellowship with willingness to be vulnerable, for James 5:16 says “confess your sins to one another and pray for one another so that you may be healed.”

Growing up, I was consumed by the fear of rejection. I lived an isolated life, believing it was better to be lonely and keep my distance from people than to be turned away by them. I became perfectionistic, trying to earn the approval of those around me without having to let them into my life. I was convinced that my identity was rooted in what others thought about me, and I lived a life that reflected that.

As I got older, I started stepping into leadership roles within my church. I was deeply struggling, and at times I would find someone to confide in and share my hurting heart with. However, when the person would walk away from me, it left me feeling abandoned, rejected, and with more fear of trusting community, because I had rooted my identity in their approval and love. The enemy used this to pull me deeper into isolation, and I began living a double life. On one hand, I was a bright and passionate leader, conveying that I was filled with joy and living in freedom and had lots of friends. On the other, I was isolated and depressed, and never shared my struggles with anyone. Especially since I was a ministry leader, I thought I could not struggle.

I thought to myself, “What will they think if I claim to be a Christian and preach freedom in Christ if I am struggling?” I never let these two worlds collide. Shame had attached itself to me.

Praise God, this is not the end of my story.

God took me on a wild and crazy journey, calling me to do a Discipleship Training School. Before I started my DTS, God spoke the word “trust” to me, a prophecy for the season I was stepping into. I assumed He meant that this would be a time where I would learn to trust Him more. Besides, what does community have to do with my relationship with God? I thought. What I found was much, much more than I had anticipated.

As soon as I arrived at YWAM Redding, I became immersed in a community of God loving people, and there was a realness and a vulnerability in the community around me that I had never seen before. The girls I lived with were genuine. They were on fire for the Lord, but not the perfect people I put pressure on myself to be.

As I stepped into this community, my ability to hide was stripped away. This was terrifying at first, but soon I realized that I was actually loved, even in my mess. I was not judged for my insecurities.

What I found was a freedom to be myself. What I found was unconditional love, no matter what I had been through or what my past looked like. I found listening ears– people who wanted to know me, my story, my best moments and my worst moments. I found that it was okay to not be okay, and I found people willing to walk with me until I received the breakthrough. I found conversation with depth and meaning as we spent hours discussing revelations and moments of freedom.

One night, I laid in my bed with a hurting and fearful heart, feeling discouraged. Only a couple of minutes went by before I was surrounded by five friends who spent the next hour pouring into me, praying with me, and loving me.

This was not an isolated event, but a normal occurrence. I became immersed in a totally different atmosphere, surrounded by prayer, worship, and encouragement. During every hard moment, there was always someone willing to come and pray for me, and in every victory, they were there to celebrate with me.

Through these people, God showed me what Godly community looks like. Through these people, He taught me how to trust again.

Coming to DTS, I expected the classes to be powerful. I expected great times of worship. I expected to be stretched in evangelism. These are the things that I focussed on. And while I gained so much from the different aspects of a DTS and loved every minute of it, nothing changed my life more than the freedom that happened in the context of the relationships.

If you are interested in learning more about our Discipleship Training Schools, and getting involved with a true community, click this link: ywamunited.org/dts

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11 Things to Know Before You Do Your DTS Outreach

11 Things to Know Before You Do Your DTS Outreach

1. Your Expectations Will Be Shattered

Sometimes we don’t realize we have expectations until they become unmet. Luckily, God’s ways are higher than our own and transcend our own understanding. Over the course of outreach, some of the biggest testimonies will come from moments when you least expect it! Keep your eyes open and your heart set on God! He is still moving no matter what.


2. Communication is Key

Outreach can be stretching at times, emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually. Luckily, you’ll be surrounded by a team of people who care about you and your well-being! Vulnerability and openness open heaven, be honest with your team, and don’t be afraid process everything that’s been going on often.

3. 8 Weeks Goes By In The Blink of an Eye

Did it even happen? Now that I am back in America, outreach feels like a dream. Time flies when you’re  doing The Lord’s work! So BE PRESENT! Enjoy and savor each and every moment of radical living for The Lord. DTS is such a unique season of being poured into as you pour into the World!

4. God Will Show Up

Sometimes, even our weakest ‘yes’ to The Lord’s call is all He needs to work wonders! YWAM Founder, Loren Cunningham, teaches the importance of laying down our own rights and picking up the cross. Outreach is the perfect season to begin fully walking in that way of life! Even when you don’t expect it, have faith that God is using your very presence to shift atmospheres and change lives! We saw healing, miracles, salvations and so many divine appointments – don’t doubt that he wont use you powerfully!

5. Quiet Times Are Critical

During your lecture phase, you’re surrounded by people always ready to pour into you. Outreach is a time when you get to pour out of what you’ve received. Dates with Jesus have never been more important. Make sure you let Jesus fill you up. Everyday. When you feel cranky, dysfunctional, offended, anxious, or even like you need a nap – you probably just need a quiet time! Talk to your best friend about everything – He knows you best anyway!

6. Team Turns To Family

 On outreach, it doesn’t take long for your team to turn into family when you are doing everything together! And I mean EVERYTHING. At one point we didn’t even have a proper door to our only bathroom. There’s nothing like having breakfast to the sound of a teammate throwing up. But seriously, there is nothing like getting to know people as intensely as you do when you are on outreach together. Choose it! Love it! I promise you, you’ll miss it!

7. Less is More

Oh, the mysteries of packing. Less is more; I’ve learned this the hard way! With an overflowing backpack that had to be repacked for every one of our 14 flights, the mystery was solved! Less IS more! You’re supposed to use the same t-shirt three days in a row or every third day if you prefer. So ditch the extra clothes, and leave room for the souvenirs. You won’t use those jeans, or the extra pair of shoes, or even that Costco-sized shampoo bottle. 

8. Culture Shock Happens

It’s really easy to get into your own habits and ways of life in the comfort of your home countries. Once that rhythm gets thrown out of whack, sometimes it’s easy to shut off and shut down. Again, communication with your teammates if you’re feeling culture-shocked is the way to go! Also, find simple ways to connect with the country you are in; let yourself fall in love with the food, and do your best to listen and make connections with locals! Be aware of reverse culture-shock when you get home. Find people to talk to that understand what you have gone to – and be grateful that you have gone through the experiences you’ve been through.

9. Learn to Lead and Be Led

YWAM entirely is rooted upon championing young people to step into their callings. During outreach, it’s important to surrender and trust your leaders with important decisions. But, you’ll also get the opportunity to step into leadership through encouraging for motivating your team. Don’t gossip, don’t be offended, and trust that the Holy Spirit is moving through everyone on your team and your leaders!

10. Boldness Brings Breakthrough

“Since we have this confidence, we can also have great boldness before him, for if we ask anything agreeable to his will, he will hear us.” (1 John 5:14 TPT)

God always has His ear tuned upon our wants and desires, but sometimes He asks us to step out of our comfort zone, be bold and trust His plan! You’ll see the most breakthrough over outreach when you step out in boldness! Obedience + boldness = a success outreach!

11. It’s Not About You

Let God shape your heart, and reveal Himself through you to the rest of the World. A nice bed? Healthy meals? Good team dynamics? Successful ministry? Good instagram pictures? Decent wifi? Is that what you need to serve the Lord joyfully? When you have every comfort taken from you, you really get to know if Jesus is your everything.  After all, it’s not an “in-reach”, it’s an outreach. 

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