91 Salvations In 3 Days | India Outreach Update
One of our DTS outreach teams arrived in India about a week ago, and they have already witnessed some incredible fruit! Our team has gone with the intent of seeing people saved, healed, and delivered, and Jesus has been so faithful to that! Here is an update from them about their first few days overseas:
Day #1 | Slums and A Home Visit
“We went to the slums on our first day of ministry, which is a testimony of divine appointments in and of itself! We sang songs and danced with the children, then prayed for them afterward. During this time, one of our leaders, Ru, lead 2 children to Christ! One was a boy I was praying for. I felt him swaying as I prayed, so I called Ru over to translate. He asked him what he was feeling, and he said, “I don’t know, I am just swaying.” We explained to him that He was experiencing the presence of God, and as we talked, Ru lead him to Christ! Many other children were swaying and feeling God’s presence as we prayed for them, too. We saw TWO salvations at the slums on our very first day of ministry, and many children encountered God’s presence!
That same day, our team ministered at a family’s home. At the house, one of our students boldly shared her testimony and the gospel of Jesus! Then, two of our staff got words from the Lord that there were people in the home suffering from stomach pains, issues with a right foot, and ear problems. When they shared those words of knowledge, two girls stood up to say they were dealing with those problems. Our team prayed for them, and they were both instantly healed! Another girl that had jaundice for 2 months also got healed completely, and then asked Jesus into her heart! One of our students was also able to share his testimony with a man who then, in response, gave his life to Christ!
Day #2 | Encouraging the Local Body of Christ
The next day started with kids ministry. We worshiped and prayed over the children, and TWO of them gave their lives to Christ! Many encountered God’s presence, some felt fear leave as we prayed and others said they felt immense peace.
Afterward, we were blessed to visit a family who has a growing house ministry. The Lord’s favor is very present in their lives! They regularly invite families to their homes to share the gospel with them, and they are seeing great growth in numbers! One of our students boldly shared her testimony with them. We then took some time to pray over them, and share words of encouragement from the Lord with them.
Day #3 | 84 Salvations at A Hospital!
On our third day, we were given a tour of the local hospital and got to see where some students study for their nursing degrees. The leaders of this hospital asked if we would like to speak to the students, and of course, we said “yes!” One of our teammates shared the gospel with a large group of students and teachers, and lead 84 of them to Jesus! Some girls began to cry as they prayed and gave their lives to Jesus and we were able to share scripture with them.
That whole experience also testifies to God’s favor over us! The local church asked the leaders of this hospital if they could do the same thing but the hospital turned them down–so the fact that they let us shows so much grace and favor.