Salvation and healing in Fremont
This past week a couple of our team members felt strongly that we needed to press even more deeply into prayer, crying out for the city and the things we wanted to see happen. We did this as team and spent time every day interceding for Fremont and the people we were going to encounter. As we did this, we began to see a real difference in our times out visiting homes. We saw a greater hunger in people’s hearts to talk with us, to hear the Gospel, and to receive prayer.
There was one day in particular where it felt like our team had no closed doors. Our teams were warmly welcomed and even invited into homes of those who wanted to be blessed and wanted to know more about Jesus. Many of them even blessed our team in return with little gifts, food, or drinks! Their small acts of hospitality and generosity reflected a softness toward the Lord and a deep desire to receive the peace of Jesus into their hearts. These were the ones who were most receptive.
“ Whatever house you enter, first say, ‘Peace be to this house!’ And if a son of peace is there, your peace will rest upon him. But if not, it will return to you.” Luke 10:5-6
Rooted in that place of prayer, miracles accompanied us as we went out and proclaimed the Gospel.
“And these signs will accompany those who believe… they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover.” Mark 16:17-18
One of our teams spent some time talking to the father of a Catholic family in the area. At first he was unsure of our team because of his opinions about different denominations. They explained to him that they did not represent a single denomination and that the most important thing they held to was the unchanging Word of God. After hearing this he was extremely welcoming to prayer and he even asked them to pray for his handicapped daughter who was bound to a wheelchair. After they prayed they felt led to ask her to take a step of faith.
They asked if there was something that she could try to do that she couldn’t before. She said that she had never been able to raise more than a few inches out of her chair. So they asked her to, in faith, attempt to stand and even take a few steps. She was miraculously able to stand up fully, and even walk around the room!
They asked when the last time was that she had done that and her father replied in awe, “never”.
Our friend in Fremont shares her experience…
Hi, my name is Lidia and I had the beautiful privilege of partnering up with YWAM to evangelize the streets of Fremont. I love going with YWAM because as I am walking and going door to door, I think about the book of Acts and the Word of God comes to life as I am experiencing it.
Let me briefly share a praise report as my friend and I went out evangelizing. When we knocked at one particular door, a young girl answered. After introducing ourselves to her and chatting for a little while, we found out that she was a high schooler. I asked her if she had ever heard about Jesus. “A little,” she replied.
So, I started sharing the Gospel with her. After sharing the Gospel, I asked if she wanted to have a relationship with Jesus. She said, “YES!” So I led her in the sinner’s prayer.
As she was praying and asking Jesus to forgive of her sins her father was standing in back a few feet from her. I was hoping the whole time that he would not step in and interrupt this important moment. So after she prayed, I prayed and thanked our Father in heaven for revealing Jesus. We finished praying and the beautiful young peaceful girl walked to the living room with all her materials, Bible and DVD.
Then the father came to the door. We introduced ourselves to him and told him we were there to bless the neighborhood. He began to tell us that it was a good thing we were. So we asked him, “What can we pray for?” After a few minutes of listening to him about all his political concerns, we asked again if we could pray for him. I told him I wanted to bless his heart of compassion because he was truly concerned about the world. At that moment he told us he was a Muslim.
At that point I just thought, “wow, the Lord had definitely had a shield around that young girl.” Nothing interrupted this young lady from receiving salvation. Amazing! Only can the Holy Spirit orchestrate such an awesome thing.
Anyway, the father gave us permission to pray and as I prayed, I shared the Gospel through the prayer and I was amazed he did not stop me. He was very happy we were there and thanked us. I hope we can visit with them soon. So this is what God does when we just take that step of faith.
Please continue to pray for our team for health, boldness, wisdom, deep compassion, and open hearts in those that we meet. We cannot wait to see what the Lord does in our last week!