Our God has Eyes and Ears | Outreach Healing Testimony
Two of our outreach teams recently were apart of the Islamic festival in Turkey, that happens once every year. Our teams had the opportunity to pray and share the love of Jesus to thousands of Muslims that were there. Our teams witness many healings! Keep on reading to hear one of their crazy testimonies!
“We had an awesome opportunity to come alongside hundreds of other believers on an island in Turkey! Every year on April 23rd, upwards of 100,000 Muslims come to this island to climb to the top of a large hill to pray in desperate hopes their prayers would be answered. We lined the path leading up the hill with booths set up for Henna tattoos, healing, worship, prayer and blessings.
Our group set up at the very top of the hill. The amount of people around us was insane. We had prayed intensely before hand that God would reveal Himself through signs and wonders — AND HE DELIVERED. The spirit of The Lord was so present, and The Father was revealing Himself through healings. We held up a sign in Turkish that translates to, “do you need a miracle?” and hundreds of people responded! We got to pray for about 150 people and saw upwards of 70 healings! One of which was a young-teenage Turkish girl who was brought to us by her mother. Her mother began to tell us that her daughter was mute and couldn’t speak. We knew The Father wanted to heal her and after we prayed for a few moments, said amen, and asked how she was feeling, the girl uttered in Turkish, “I’m okay” for the first time. Her mother jumped up with so much enthusiasm after witnessing her daughter’s healing and quickly asked us to bless her as well!
We saw the mute speak, knees healed, backs healed, migraines healed, but overall, lost and hopeless hearts were able to be reminded that they are so loved by a Father who hears our prayers wherever we may be, and in the kingdom of God, there is no striving, we don’t have to climb to the top of a STEEP hill to reach Him because He is already by our side.”
– Explorer’s Outreach team
How good is our God! It’s so comforting to be reminded that you don’t have to strive to reach God but that He is by your side always. Our God is living and He is just waiting for your ‘Yes’ and step in obedience. By stepping out in faith and trusting God our students saw the young teenage Turkish girl healed from muteness. This miracle not only changed her life but planted a desire in her mother’s heart to ask for more in her own life. What else would God be able to do if we were defined by His character and not our circumstances?
It’s not about your ability to pray, it’s knowing Jesus’ ability to answer. Our God has eyes and ears! He knows and understands, He sees and hears everything that everyone in the world is going through! You have access to the keys to unlock healings and miracles – because you have access to the Father!