Staying Home (Pt. 2) – “Let Yourself Feel”

Staying Home (Pt. 2) – “Let Yourself Feel”

Emotions can be a tricky thing, and can also be overwhelming at times. I don’t know about you, but this pandemic and being in quarantine has made me feel A LOT of things.

Whether it’s things that have come up because of the quarantine, or things from a while ago that I still haven’t properly worked through. I think we can all agree that there’s been a wide range of emotions.

Personally, I am someone who feels things very deeply. Something I’ve recently realized about myself is that I tend to downplay my emotions, or feel I’m just being overdramatic. I don’t give myself permission to really feel what I need to. It just seems easier to go about my day and let myself get distracted by other things, instead of taking time to really process what I’m going through.

Can I just say that I’ve tried the ‘just pretend like it’s not happening and it won’t exist,’ method and it’s never worked? While pushing things down may seem like the safer, less hurtful option, it’s not what’s best.

So what has God been teaching me in quarantine?? LET YOURSELF FEEL. Whatever it is, you’re allowed to feel it! No matter if it seems big or small, or people are telling you it’s not a big deal or you’re being dramatic. What you’re going through is REAL. Your feelings MATTER. Your emotions are VALID.

The whole world is going through a collective, traumatic experience. Yet everyone is experiencing this in different ways. You might be feeling emotions like anger, fear, grief, peace, love, loss of control, contentment, and more. Whether you’re at home by yourself without a job, or you’re an essential worker coming face to face with people who are hurting. Maybe you’re home with family and loved ones, or you’re in a house where you don’t always feel safe there’s a lot of tension. Everyone is experiencing this so differently, and every experience is so real and life-altering.

So, whatever it is you’re feeling, give yourself the permission, the time, and the space to feel it. Psalms 34:18 ‘The LORD is close to the brokenhearted; He rescues those whose spirits ate crushed.’

God sees you. He knows you. He loves you. And He cares about your feelings and emotions more than you know. He is not afraid of how you feel, and He is so near and ready for you to draw close to Him. So don’t be afraid, and let yourself feel.

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Staying Home (Pt. 1) – “Slowing Down”

Staying Home (Pt. 1) – “Slowing Down”

What a crazy time we are living in, everything seemed to happen so fast. One moment I was asking “What is Coronavirus?” and reassuring my friends with such confidence that we have nothing to worry about. The next moment everything is shutting down before my eyes. No time to prepare or adjust. The change was demanded. Slowing down was mandatory.

I’m from a small town in Northern Indiana. Your cliche farmhouses and cornfields grip your view for miles. In the middle of our downtown area painted on the wall is “embrace the pace”. Even though I’m from a small town, my heart has always longed to live in a big city. Even as a kid I dreamed of one day moving to New York or Chicago, I loved the fast pace of the city. Slowing down is something I’ve always run from, I wanted no part of it.

 I realized that my life had become a race. Always trying to prove to the people around me that I’m capable, that I’m worthy to be a contender. All the things that I once filled my life and social media with; coffee shops, car filled adventures, concerts, and sporting events have all been stripped away. Who I am, not what I do is all I have. The fast pace life I once lived has been brought to a sudden halt. 

This scared me at first. To be completely honest it still does from time to time. But I’m beginning to find peace in slowing. It’s caused me to see what I have. What if there were no more trophies? No more things to gain. What if what I have is what I’m left with? Would I sit and regret my choices, wishing I would have done something different and obtain more? Or would I put my everything, all of my joy, and all of my thankfulness into the things that are before me?  

See Jesus has blessed us so much. He said to His disciples “everything the Father has given Me I give to you.” What would it look like to press into that promise in this season? I’ve been so challenged to pour everything into what He has given me. I’ve found so much freedom in not needing more, not needing to be better, or prove to the world that I belong here. Slowing down is not easy for some people by any means. But when I slow down, strip away the striving, and stop trying to prove myself His voice can become so clear. The act of slowing down though sometimes fearful is not a bad thing, it’s an opportunity. It’s an opportunity to hear the voice of the Lord so clearly, put down striving and embrace all of the blessings we’ve been given from Jesus.

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When Feelings of Failure Settle In

When Feelings of Failure Settle In

Feelings of Failure

All of us have felt it at some point in our lives. The sinking feeling that happens when the feeling of failure settles in. Then looking down at what you made, whether a situation or a piece of art knowing that you’ve failed. Sometimes it comes from other people. Other times you just know. I’ve heard some people say they aren’t artistic, and maybe they aren’t. However, I believe God gives us the need to create. Create relationships, blogs, art, music, lyrics, cultures, food. If we were made in the image of God our creator, we were made to create.  It seems where creativity is, failure follows. Of course, when we do things for the first time, failure is common. But what does God say about failure?

It’s easy to get discouraged by our weakness and so often feelings of failure get wrapped up into our identity. However, God doesn’t see it that way. We are more than the sum of our works or what we create. He defines us. Not our failure, our sin, our goodness. God does. In Ephesians 1:7 it says “In him, we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace”. Here we see, God sees us through the lens of Jesus’s righteousness. No matter how much we fail. Our failure does not change who we are or how God sees us. 

True Failure

Failure is a term we throw around a lot. We pour ourselves into what we create. When we sin, feelings of failure come quick. However, it’s not a true failure. True failure is giving up. For example, a boxer in the ring, if they do not get back up, is when they lose. It doesn’t matter how many times they fail to block a punch or how many rounds they go. What matters is not staying down and getting back up. Satan is really good at telling us about our own failures and wrongdoings. But if we don’t quit, we win. If we continue to create, whatever it is, we are not failures. We can take our failure and use it. Learn from it. But we don’t get to do that if Satan has us wrapped up in shame of our shortcomings and failure.

What Would Happen if We Didn’t Get Back Up from Failure? 

So what would happen if we let our feelings of failure become a defining moment? If we were to get stuck in our shame, we wouldn’t get to experience God’s redemption and beauty in our lives. But our failures give God a chance to show up. Non-flawed people don’t need Jesus. Likewise, people would not get to experience the unique part of God that we bring to the table, the creativity that God gave us, the specific way that we can love people.

Sometimes we get stuck in our shame and failure and it makes us shut ourselves off to people. We know that God never fails (Joshua 21:45). So we can’t stay down. We can’t stay defeated. We have to run to him. Repent. Let him make all things beautiful in our lives. God never fails.

Take a moment to sit and ask the Holy Spirit where you have let feelings of failure become part of your identity. He wants to restore where you, others, and the enemy there are feelings of failure. 

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The Significance of Jesus’ Death and Resurrection

The Significance of Jesus’ Death and Resurrection

We are approaching the most celebratory weekend in all of history: the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ 2,000 years ago, that forever shifted eternity. We call the day of Jesus’ death “Good Friday”. They beat, flogged, and nailed Jesus to a cross to suffer a painful death. His followers cried out as they saw the one who they thought would save them die. The promised Messiah was dead, and everyone lost all hope. This doesn’t sound like a very good Friday.


But it didn’t end there. What appeared to be the most devastating day in history became the greatest day in history. On the third day since his death, they found the tomb empty. No one had taken His body; he was, and is, alive

He defeated the grave, conquered our sin, and set us free. Now that is a good Friday.

The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is significant. Without it we would be spiritually dead, broken, and hopeless, eternally separated from the God of love. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came to make a way.

Romans 6:23 says, “The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord.”

Jesus was the only one who could pay our debt. He was the only sinless human to walk the earth, because “all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3:23)

Jesus Christ: fully God and fully man. Had Jesus not paid our wage, we would still be carrying it. Jesus’ death meant we no longer are dead. He suffered physically and spiritually. He took on the wrath of God for us, so if we choose to believe in Him and follow Him, we will not be under that judgement.

How crazy good is our God?

As we dive into the significance of Jesus’ death for us, let’s look at one word that is probably familiar to you:



As you may know, our Bible was not originally written in English. Scholars have translated the Bible from the Greek. When we look at the meaning of words in the original language, we can often learn much more about what the passage is actually saying!

Salvation in the Greek language is the word “Sozo”. The definition of this word is “saved, healed, and delivered.” This means that not only did the death of Jesus save us, but it healed us. It delivered us.

If we look at the life of Jesus, this was consistent throughout all of his ministry. When He healed people’s physical bodies, he would restore them spiritually too.

For example, take the story in Mark chapter 2 of a paralyzed man who was brought to Jesus:

Then a paralytic was brought to Him, carried by four men. Since they were unable to get to Jesus through the crowd, they uncovered the roof above Him, made an opening, and lowered the paralytic on his mat.

When Jesus saw their faith, He said to the paralytic, “Son, your sins are forgiven.”

But some of the scribes were sitting there and contemplating in their hearts, “Why does this man speak like this? He is blaspheming! Who can forgive sins but God alone?”

At once Jesus knew in His spirit that they were thinking this way within themselves. “Why are you thinking these things in your hearts?” He asked. “Which is easier: to say to a paralyzed man, ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or to say, ‘Get up, pick up your mat, and walk’? But so that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins…” He said to the paralytic, “I tell you, get up, pick up your mat, and go home.”

At that time, people believed that any type of sickness or disease was a direct result of sin in their or their family’s lives.

In John 9:2, we see this. “As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth. His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” Jesus then proceeds to heal the blind man.

Jesus comes and he not only forgives them. He heals them. He came not only to take sin, but also the consequences of sin. 

What does that mean for us?

One word: empowerment. 

In Matthew 28:18, following Jesus’ death and resurrection, He says, “All authority on heaven and on earth has been given to me.”

When God made man, he gave man authority over the earth (Genesis 1:26), but man handed the authority over to the enemy, satan, when we sinned (Jn 14:30, Jn 12:31-32, Jn 16:11). What Jesus did was He took the authority back from Satan.

But it doesn’t stop there. The verse goes on to say:

Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to do all that I have commanded you, and behold, I am with you, even to the end of the age.”

Jesus gets the authority back. Before he ascends to heaven, he gives it back to his followers, who’s sins are now covered, past, present, and future. He empowers us to live like Him— to go into the world and show them the salvation of Jesus– to heal the sick, raise the dead, and cast out demons (Matthew 10:8). Jesus commanded this—and Jesus’ death and resurrection has made it possible for us to do these things!

He empowers us to walk in the power of the Holy Spirit, to be strengthened in persecution, and to lay down our lives for the gospel.

Jesus warned us before he went to be crucified that the world would hate us for following Him (John 15:18).

We will not suffer the wrath of God, but may suffer the wrath of man. However, this grace, gift of salvation, freedom, and life makes it all worth it. 

Paul writes from prison:

“For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.” (2 Corinthians 4:17)

Jesus is worth it. It is worth whatever it takes in order for His lost children to come home.

In 1732, two Moravian missionaries sold themselves as slaves in order to reach minister to the African slaves on islands in the Danish West Indies. As the boat was pulling away from the dock, The Moravian missionaries, who gave their life for the Gospel, were heard shouting to their loved ones “Oh that the Lamb that was slain would receive the reward of His suffering.”

Oh that we would be so in awe of Jesus and captivated by Him that we would go to whatever lengths necessary to bring Him the reward of his brutal suffering.

Jesus is worth it.

If you do not yet know Jesus, you can know Him. You can experience the freedom, wholeness, and life that he brings. Open up your heart to receive from Him today. Choose to make Him the Lord, surrender your life, and give Him your sin and shame. He already paid for you to be free; it’s your time to receive the free gift. 

As we go into this Holy weekend, let’s reflect together. Let’s truly open our minds to the reality of this Gospel. Ask the Lord to make this come alive. Ask Him, “God, what does this gift of salvation truly mean?” It is a concept so simple yet so vast. So elementary, yet we may never understand the true depths of what the cross meant on this side of eternity. Grace so simple that we never truly grasp the unexplainable, unimaginable beauty of His sacrifice.

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How to Share Your Faith with: Your Family

How to Share Your Faith with: Your Family

Why is it that sharing your faith with your family, at times, feels so daunting? Sometimes it even feels easier to talk about it with strangers in a foreign country than with the people we know most intimately. Maybe it feels awkward. Maybe there are past hurts we have yet to overcome, or even the reality of our own darkness before we knew Jesus. Perhaps we have been shut down too many times before or are afraid we’ll somehow damage the relationship if offense is taken. Sometimes we just feel like we don’t know the right words to say. So how do we overcome the barriers? Remember, this isn’t about “proving” we’re right and they’re wrong, it’s about them encountering the love of the One who died to be their all.

My Family = My Responsibility

It’s important to remember that we have been given our families for a reason. This is an undeniable connection that needs to be stewarded unto the Lord. Family is built and designed so that we can show the love of God to one another. It can at times seem easy to step back and pray that someone else will share the Good News with them. Whether we like it or not, it is our responsibility to share Christ’s love with our families. So, where do we start?

Your Identity is a Testimony

Prayer is always the right place to start, but we will quickly see opportunities to move past this into practical action. As you allow the Lord to have His way in your life, your family will recognize the fruit produced. Often before you even have a chance to say much. Allow your Christ-like character to speak, then, use this as a segue. When people ask questions about your life, share about how The Lord has transformed you! Your own testimony is a powerful tool that is backed up by the obvious fruit of your life.

Allow your Christ-like character to speak.”

Don’t be intimidated by accusations or by fear of your past, nor the mistakes you may still make! As new creations in Christ we have the ability and authority to stand confidently in our identity in Jesus. When we share Jesus from a point of confidence in everything that He has done in our lives it is convincing, convicting, and thought-provoking to those around us, especially those who know us best.

It’s a Process

The pressure is off. Of course prayer for our families and actively living out our faith is important. However, sometimes we forget that it doesn’t all have to happen in an instant. The beautiful thing about family is that we see them more than most people. Ministering to our families can involve a lengthy process–and that’s okay. It’s important to not neglect the other aspects of life.

People want to be cared about, to know you love them unconditionally and are in their corner no matter what. Genuine love is often what opens the most doors. When your family sees that you care about their needs and desires–that you see them as a person and not a project–of course they will be more open to what you have to say about Jesus. Your life will be a testimony of Truth.

Hold on to Hope

Finally, know that even the smallest acts of love toward them, done in Jesus’ name, can have the greatest impact. Sometimes our family members won’t let us in to all that is happening in their hearts. We may not see the thoughts and feelings that are stirring. Remain faithfully loving toward them, continue to boldly share the good works God is doing in your life, and know that Jesus is pursuing them even more fiercely than you are.

Jesus is relentlessly and lovingly pursuing your family.”

The Lord will use you, that is certain, but ultimately He will be the one to win their heart. We know nothing but what is revealed to us by the Holy Spirit, and He is forever on the move. He is moving toward your father, and mother, and siblings. Pray diligently that barriers to God’s love come down, and remain open to the leading of the Holy Spirit.

A Challenge

As you spend time with your families, whether for holidays or reunions, or in the day-to-day, remember: It is always the time to contend for your family and to share the love of Jesus. God has placed you in your family for a special purpose. Hold onto the hope that Jesus’ victory gives us. He has paid the price for you, and you have experienced the glorious life only He brings. He has paid the same price for them, and His love is just as powerful for them as it has been for you.



  • Pray for them
  • Shake off that awkward feeling
  • Let your life be an example
  • Stand confident in the Truth
  • Connect with them in love
  • Show that you care about THEM as a person
  • Pursue them
  • Be persistent
  • Remember that God is pursuing them


  • Make them a project
  • Pressure them or get into arguments
  • Elevate yourself above them
  • Be intimidated
  • Lose hope

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What Happened When I Change the Way I Prayed

What Happened When I Change the Way I Prayed

He is Worthy of it All

A few weeks ago, The Lord started doing a work in my heart in regards to simple adoration. I’ve been wanting to truly feel connected with the lyrics that I was singing in worship. I remember praying for The Lord to give me a deeper revelation of the things I was singing. Those little-whispered prayers can turn into a revelation that leaves a long-lasting impact on your life. God is funny like that.

The Lord used this desire to connect with Him in a deeper way. He ended up filling me with a realization that left me standing in complete, speechless awe of Him. I started having such deep revelations of how worthy Christ is. I’ve always known how worth He is–obviously. However, I began to have a new understanding of the depths of His Holiness. He showed me how truly worthy He is. He’s worthy, not just because of everything that I’ve witnessed Him do in my life and the lives of those around me–but simply because He is God. He deserves my highest praise because He is the All-Knowing Creator of the Universe.

This seems like such a simple, obvious thing, but God floored me with the depths of revelation over who He is and how much honor He deserves. I’m here serving at a YWAM base because I know that He is worth everything that I am, even my very last breath. My highest form of worship and praise is to give Him my entire life–so here I am.

My Closest Friend

I’ve been walking through this season of new depths of love for Jesus for a while, but recently I listened to a podcast that shifted things even more for me. I listened to a short message from Bill Johnson where he was talking about coming to God with no agenda. There is something different that happens when we stop only coming to The Lord when we need something. Of course, He is our good Father, Abba. He loves to listen to us, and He’s always there in our times of need. He is our Comforter, Provider, and Healer; He will always play those roles. However, He is also a dear friend–and it should be our greatest joy to simply come to Him to spend time in His presence.

I felt The Lord challenging me to try something new. I felt that for two weeks I should not “ask” God for anything in my prayers. Unless I was praying for someone else, I would only lift up prayers of thanksgiving and praise. Not because it’s wrong to ask God for things, but because there was something I knew He wanted to teach me.  

New Perspectives

I honestly didn’t expect to have that many struggles when it came to only thanking God for two weeks. It took me a little by surprise because it made me realize how often I just spend time asking God for things. Not even necessarily in a needy way, I just talk about myself a lot with God–and you can’t really have a good relationship with anyone when you do that.

I started turning all of my requests and desires into praises. I saw Him provide for me in the sweetest way, even when I didn’t ask for it. I began to appreciate my time with Him more, and it left more space for me to just listen. I started to just simply say “God I just want to know You; to know who You are, what You like, what You want, and how You work.” That is what true intimacy with The Lord looks like, knowing God on a deeper level. Voiding yourself of your own intentions, thoughts, and desires by letting Jesus take over everything that you are will take you to new depths with Him. When you do this the only response you’re really capable of is one of thanksgiving. This taught me a deeper level of humility as well as vulnerability. God taught me a lot during these two weeks, and I think that the way I pray and spend time with The Lord will forever be impacted. 

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